
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Herbie News for the New Year - 2021

 Herbie News for the New Year

We have a newsletter option on our website, but I haven't figured out how to share it beyond that mailing list.  This is the gist of it. I'll try and get all the links set, and at the bottom, I'll add the products that were included!

2021 Herb of the Year (chosen by International Herb Association) is Parsley

Petroselinum crispum.
One of the best parts of Herb of the Year is that it gives us an opportunity to really learn something new about the herbs that we may (or may not) use often, but don't know a lot about. Some really memorable HOTY's for me are horseradish, savory, and anise hyssop. I needed to research them in order to write about them.
Here are a couple articles to get you started learning about parsley!

The Herb Society of America chooses Notable Native™ herbs and trees.

Natives are a big part of my life here, and this program has led me into the woods to study the spicebush, and then to find new appreciation for the witch hazel in the back yard. Again, this is such a great program. Focusing on plants really helps us learn.
2021 Notable Native Herb™ Sanguinaria canadensis (bloodroot)
2021 Notable Native Tree™ Gleditsia triacanthos  (honeylocust)
Find PDF's for those and previous choices at their website

The dark part of the year is here, and the lack of sunshine can impact our moods even if we don't have Seasonal Affective Disorder. 2 or 3 days of gloomy weather can wipe me out! Be sure to keep your vitamin D levels up to help with that AND it turns out that maintaining a healthy vit. D level may help prevent COVID-19, as they've found that most of the people with serious cases are vitamin D deficient.
Additionally, if you've got my book, Herbal Medicine for Emotional Healing, there are a ton of great remedies as well as just including the individual herbs in your day! We have all but one or two of the herbs in the book as tinctures. Some of my favorites this time of year are Holy Basil, Mimosa, and Lemon Balm.  Find our tinctures HERE

Interesting new herbs for 2021 include 4 Downy Mildew resistant basils from Johnny's Seeds, a Dotted St John's wort from Bakers Creek, and for those in zones 8-10 who have been trying and trying to keep lavender, Bakers Creek also has Origano Lavender that is happy and perennial in the hot, humid zones; annual in other zones.

Are you considering a good online herb course that will give you everything you need to feel confident to create and continue learning? Rosemary Gladstar's Science and Art of Herbalism is having their annual sale. Here is a link to check it out.
Science and Art of Herbalism
You can read about daughter Molly's experiences in this course HERE
We also recommend classes from Gail Faith Edwards at Blessed Maine Herb Farm,
and the many options at Learning Herbs.

2021 will be the year of the Metal Ox when the Chinese New Year arrives on Feb 12. We consider this year as part of that one for simplicity. The Ox is diligent, honest, strong, and determined. Also stubborn. The Chinese element of Metal's attributes are firmness, rigidity, persistence, strength, and determination.

Pantone colors for 2021 will be "Ultimate Gray" and "Illuminating," which is a bright lemon yellow. One of the critiques of the colors suggested that they were related to the mood of the past year more than a trend, with the gray referring to every day being much like the last, and the yellow is the light at the end of the tunnel. Let's hope that is in the past!

We have a special treat to share! Kristine Brown RH(AHG) has started a new Youtube series of story telling for youngsters. The following link is for PINE, but I saw that she added NUTMEG earlier today. Gather the kids and listen.

We added links to our DIY Fire Cider

Our cinnamon jars

And of course, our magazine...

I think that's everything for now.  Lots to learn in the upcoming year.  Get your seeds and plants early.  Have a happy, healthy, and fortuitous new year!

Monday, December 21, 2020

Essential Herbal January February 2021 Issue


Man Oh Day!  Starting a new year has never been so welcome.  Although I'm writing this on the Solstice, in magazine-land, we are now in January, and have been since the beginning of November!  We all know that 2021 is going to be a rough year, but there is the sense that we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  2020 was a long, long, long year.  

Enough of that!  We have a wonderful issue to start this year.  Lots of recipes, remedies and garden ideas wait inside these pages.

You can get a SINGLE COPY or SUBSCRIBE for a year.  Subscriptions come with and addition 6 "Essential Extras" which are smaller things that may be a handful of great pages, a video, puzzles - whatever we have - and you'll hear from us every month; 6 magazines and 6 Essential Extras (exclusive for subscribers only).

We are still shipping for the time being, but the mail service has really been hobbled.  So... if you need to be sure your gift arrives, consider sending a subscription!



Cover, Maryanne Schwartz
      Read about how Maryanne arrived at this artwork.
Field Notes, Tina Sams
      The hodge-podge of existing in the time of COVID
Don’t Leave the Lemongrass Leaves, Alicia Allen
      Don't toss those fragrant leaves!
      Make a lemongrass ring for seasoning, or potpourri!
Garden Journaling, Kathy Musser
      Keeping track of every little thing that makes your garden grow.
Love-inspired DIY Recipes, Jessicka Nebesni
      Bath bombs, body scrub, and massage oil - oh my!
Boneset & Peppermint and Super-Hot Tea, Jenel Schaffer
      How to make a really good cup of tea, and a recipe for
      Boneset and Peppermint tea.
Tools Every Gardener Should Have, J.L. Davidson
      Gather your garden tools while ye may!
Winter Mood Booster Herbs, Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh
      A few helpful herbs for the dark months, and a lovely recipe.
Ginger Root Syrup with Lemon and Althaea Root, Marci Tsohonis
      Complete instructions to make this delicious and useful syrup.
The Perfect Trio for Recovery, Bri Martinez
      Step by step herbs to revive you after the flu.
Lotion Making, Rebekah Bailey
      A little more complicated than salve because liquid is added
      to the mix. Everything you need to get started including recipes!
Simple Self-Care Rituals, Stillroom Style, Catherine Ann Love
      Favorite herbs for drinking (tea) or bathing (tea)
The Benefits of Bay Laurel, Kristine Brown RH(AHG)
      All about Bay Laurel, and how to make a tea, oil,and syrup.
15 Tips for Starting Your Own Seeds, Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh
      It really will be time to get started before you know it!
Dutsi 5 Lums (5 Nectars Bath), Nashalla G. Nyinda TMD Menpa
      From the Lums (bath or compress) chapter in the Tibetan Medical
     tradition, complete instructions.

Be sure to check it out and visit our website to read several samples (links at the bottom of the homepage), not to mention all the books and herbal items that are just waiting for you!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Winter 2020 Mini Sample

Winter 2020 mini (sample)

Find inside:

Zombie Apocalypse

Herbal Winter Remedies

 You Might Be an Herbie

 Warming Masala Chai 

 Handmade Holidays...

Monday, December 07, 2020

Thinking about an herbal program?

My Experience with Rosemary Gladstar's
The Science and Art of Herbalism

Molly Sams 



I began this course closer to novice but felt much more comfortable toward the end. Rosemary Gladstar  broke down the basics of herbalism and created comprehensive recipes, assignments, and crafts that you can use for possibly your entire herbal future or career. For those just dipping a toe into herbalism this class takes you from thyme to tincture. And with the detail comes thoughtful, eloquent writing, which made it easier to digest the concepts and practices in the course.

For the more learned herbalists it is wonderful review. I believe that (though I do struggle to embrace at times) returning to basic ideas and procedures can help you hewn your craft, herbal or otherwise. Having this course as a resource may certainly help jog an experienced herbalist's memory or give them a new perspective of a plant or product. Though I don't consider myself an experienced herbalist by any means, (nor will I ever, there's just too much to learn) I can see how this may be beneficial even for the well-versed herbalist.

I have to say Ms. Gladstar has a solid team helping out students as well. They are quick to answer any and all questions and the turnaround on grading homework was within the week. Helen Ward was the person I regularly chatted with over email and she was incredibly helpful throughout the entire process. If I ever have the pleasure of meeting her, I at least owe her a cup of coffee.

My last accolade has to go to the publishing of their course. It is colorful, organized, and downright beautiful. Having such a complete and cohesive medium made learning easy.

So if you're wondering if you should try it out, try it out! You'll be able to further your education and understanding of herbalism. You may even find out you have a knack for it.  

There is currently a sale going on.  Check it out!

 CLICK HERE for details

(note - affiliate link)