
Monday, December 07, 2020

Thinking about an herbal program?

My Experience with Rosemary Gladstar's
The Science and Art of Herbalism

Molly Sams 



I began this course closer to novice but felt much more comfortable toward the end. Rosemary Gladstar  broke down the basics of herbalism and created comprehensive recipes, assignments, and crafts that you can use for possibly your entire herbal future or career. For those just dipping a toe into herbalism this class takes you from thyme to tincture. And with the detail comes thoughtful, eloquent writing, which made it easier to digest the concepts and practices in the course.

For the more learned herbalists it is wonderful review. I believe that (though I do struggle to embrace at times) returning to basic ideas and procedures can help you hewn your craft, herbal or otherwise. Having this course as a resource may certainly help jog an experienced herbalist's memory or give them a new perspective of a plant or product. Though I don't consider myself an experienced herbalist by any means, (nor will I ever, there's just too much to learn) I can see how this may be beneficial even for the well-versed herbalist.

I have to say Ms. Gladstar has a solid team helping out students as well. They are quick to answer any and all questions and the turnaround on grading homework was within the week. Helen Ward was the person I regularly chatted with over email and she was incredibly helpful throughout the entire process. If I ever have the pleasure of meeting her, I at least owe her a cup of coffee.

My last accolade has to go to the publishing of their course. It is colorful, organized, and downright beautiful. Having such a complete and cohesive medium made learning easy.

So if you're wondering if you should try it out, try it out! You'll be able to further your education and understanding of herbalism. You may even find out you have a knack for it.  

There is currently a sale going on.  Check it out!

 CLICK HERE for details

(note - affiliate link)

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