Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Essential Herbal March/April 2025

 The lastest issue of TEH is out.  We love it!

Table of Contents:

Molly took the beautiful cover along the Pacific Coast Highway

Crossword Puzzle
Marching forth into the season of the plants 

Field Notes from the Editor, Tina Sams 
In that space between hibernation and bursting into light

About the Cover
We dedicate this cover to the beautiful shore of Southern California

Wonderful Witch Hazel, Kristine Brown, RH(AHG)
Everything about Witch Hazel, including a story and a craft

At Home Herbal Foot Spa, Jessicka Nebesni
Create your own soaking, exfoliating, and moisturizing preparations

Thyme for Lunch, Alicia Allen 
Sweet and savory dishes that include the versatile herb, thyme

Ask the Herb Farmer, Kathy Musser
Some answers to frequently asked questions about getting ready to garden 

All Washed Up, A Series by The Twisted Sisters
We finish up the farm show, and tell a tale or two.

Word Search
All about plants and growing them

Tuscany Kitchen Hand Soap, Marci Tsohonis 
The combo of tomato, basil, rosemary and sage make a spectacular bar

Birch & Maple Sap Chai, Amy Jeanroy 
Mmmm… tree sap in the chai

Viper’s Bugloss, Jackie Johnson, ND 
All about this roadside “weed”

Book Excerpt, Herbs in Every Season, Bevin Cohen
Read all about parsley in this wonderful excerpt from Bevin's latest book

Meet Our Contributors.                                                                                                                        

Next Issue and Puzzle Solutions


Friday, February 21, 2025

Herb folk discuss: "Which herbs would you take along in a disaster/evacuation situation?"

 In 2018 we still had a Yahoo group, which enabled us to do "list articles" in which we posed a question and created an article with the answers.  We tried doing it with Facebook, but the community we had on the Yahoo list was so different.  Over the years we knew each other and understood that it was a sharing of information between friends.  I'm not sure how to build that anywhere else.  Here's one great list of options to take along during evacuation or

List Article
Question:  Which herbs would you take along in a disaster/evacuation situation?
Note:  This discussion happened on both the Yahoo! List and our facebook page.  There are many that repeat important herbs, and MANY that were removed due to repetition.  We think this is a very important topic to think about.

The Essential Herbal Magazine Avoiding lots of heavy liquid, pastilles could be made up ahead and wouldn't require glass or liquid.

Marti Graham - Don't forget insect repellent, flooding and rain and the after effects can be just as damaging as the crisis.

Tina Sams -  Of the 2 or 3 essential oil I'd take, rose geranium to deter insects would definitely be one of them.  Otherwise, lavender and tea tree.

Jackie Tyler Jackson - We were evacuated in a tiny boat, 2 of us plus 2 big dogs. Lost our house & vehicle....but the elderberry came out with me!

Lena B - I took a blend with geranium in it and neat peppermint, helichrysum and lavender essential oil

Judy S - Comfrey, scullcap, willow, poppy, mullein &/or sage, henbane, goldenseal, olive oil, alcohol, bee's wax.
The Essential Herbal Magazine  - Henbane is an interesting addition.
Judy S - Great external pain relief. Pain control would be a big need, as would anything to fight infection.

Sandy Michelsen Yarrow, St. Johnswort, Lemon Balm plantain and comfrey.....and probably more when I think about it...:-)

Linda C -  I'd also go with the tinctures I use regularly for sleep, stress, infection, immunity, and salves and infused oils, like calendula and st. johnswort.for any topical issues. Certain essential oils too, like tea tree and lavender. This post got me thinking of creating an emergency box of remedies from my harvest to grab and go-instead of trying to select at the moment, such as in fire evacuation.

Linda H -  Excellent question...gave me pause for thought. It was hard to choose just a few! Cayenne Pepper (to stop bleeding), Garlic (antibiotic), Arnica (anti-inflammatory/analgesic - for external), Turmeric (anti-inflammatory - for internal), Comfrey (bone fracture healing), and Slippery Elm (for stomach issues).

Adriane B -  St.Johns Wort (dried herb and oil) herb for internal use to boost immune system and limit retro viruses during virus attacks, also for depression, oil for nerve pain & skin healing. Tea tree as general disinfectant and wound healing. Lavender EO for skin healing of burns, sleep help, and skin analgesic. Goldenseal as a general herbal antibiotic for internal and external infections. Yarrow for my flu formula or when a diaphoretic is needed, also to use to stop bleeding. Elderberry to boost immune system and elderberry leaf for fungal infections. Comfrey for bone healing and wound healing. Chamomile for infected skin healing and calming stomach.

Jenn F - Tumeric tincture as an anti inflammatory.  A "calm" tincture...( Chamomile & valarian & Tulsi blend works for me). Elderberry for fighting colds & flus. That's a start....

Jamie E - Yarrow, comfrey, plantain, lemon balm, dandelion root, lavender, chamomile, plantain, orange peel, basil, thyme, cloves.

Mary H - Skullcap and lemon balm to keep myself calm and grounded , tummy blend of mint, catnip, licorice, ginger , and fennel, echinacea.

 Brenda C - I think I would take most of mine in tincture form. Definitely my goldenrod tincture, chamomile tincture. I have several teas made up for calming the nerves so they would have to go along.

 Cristina B-  Thyme, echinacea, chamomile, oregano, linden, yarrow, st Jon's wort, calendula, lavender, mint, basil. Actually, I think I'll take my whole spices and tea cabinets?

 Lisa T - Elderberry products, comfrey, nettles , lavender and raspberry tips. My vinegar and mushrooms as well.

Joanna C - Along with basic herbal first aid, gentle nervine tinctures are necessary. And Rescue Remedy for sure.

 Magdalena - Cannibis - why not go out in style...

 Denelle P - I would take my box of tinctures as well as a book or two.

 Julie G I would pack all 2000 oils!! And my medic bag;)
 Mary H What's in your medic bag?
 Julie G Surgical kit, OB delivery kit, air way kit, IV's, sutures. Gauze, ace bandages. Basic field kit.

Anne L - Oregano, lavender, thyme and lemon. 

Stefanie K - Oregano oil, Thieves, Osha, Rescue Remedy.

Wendy A - Chamomile, plantain, calendula, peppermint, ginger, and Lavender

 Kerri H -  St. John's wort, lavender, chamomile, comfrey

 Lisa P - cayenne, lobelia, echinacea, comfrey, charcoal, green powder, and about a dozen mixes/tinctures

Jennifer W - Black cumin/nigella, hawthorn, rose petals, peppermint

Sharon B -  holy basil, oregano, rescue remedy flower essence

Karen B -  Cannabis products.

Ivette V - Tinctures of lemon balm & ginger.


My elderberry syrup and fire cider are always handy and easy to grab and go but I think I would be sure to bring some fresh oats for stress, with motherwort and tulsi for anxiety and perhaps hawthorne for the heart.  I would grab all tinctures since they are small easy to carry and don't require potable water in order to take them.  Susanna Reppert, Mechanicsburg, PA

I have a blend of herbs that I drink daily, as a tea, (for my specific health issues & familial predisposition), that includes St John's wort, Tulsi, Hawthorne, passionflower, motherwort, meadowsweet, chickweed, nettle, and horsetail, all blended in a 2 gallon bag. Besides that necessity, I'd take some form of elderberry, raw honey, a topical salve with yarrow, plantain, beeswax, honey, & coconut oil. From the spice cabinet, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, ACV, clove, rosemary, sage, cayenne, and thyme, as well as firecider. I typically keep all of this stuff where it's used, but also in a first aid satchel, in the linen closet, also stocked with bandages & other usual first aid paraphernalia.  Carla

I would take my dried Tulsi for tea for stress, and my elderberry syrup - Mary Ellen Wilcox

I would grab Activated Charcoal Tablets,  Slippery Elm Bark tablets, & if I didn't have any Fire Cider
left I'd grab the bottle of Frank's Hot Sauce & a jar of our home preserved horseradish root.
I'd probably also be grabbing flower essences & other calming aides for our senior dog. Living on the Canadian border, our most challenging "natural disasters" usually happen in the winter.
Sue Ryn Burns

Note: I didn’t copy all of the responses from facebook because fortunately, Becky Bailey posted this:  I can't help myself, I'm a stats junkie... Top 4 most mentioned so far have been comfrey, lavender, plantain, and oregano,  followed by chamomile, and yarrow.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Crossword puzzle - Season of Love, Herbs, and Flowers

I was working away, finishing up my parts of the magazine that will go out in 9 days, and suddenly realized this (marvelous, if I do say so myself) crossword puzzle is not in the right time period.  I used to tuck things away for next year, but I don't have next year's issues set up in the computer yet.  So...
To work this puzzle, simply click on the link, where the image is clear:

take me to the puzzle

I'll add the answers below on the 15th. 


don't scroll any farther unless you want the answers





I mean it...




Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Essential Herbal January/February 2025

 Another year begins.  I'm starting to get the hang of this!  Seriously though, we still love what we're doing, and that's very fortunate indeed.

The new issue is full of wonderful information.  The cover is Skylar in the Way-Back machine, on a warm day in winter, a first visit to the woods with her mom and Molly a decade ago.

The Table of Contents:

Crossword – Happy New Year 2025         
Words of beginnings and clean slates and herbs                                                                               

Field Notes from the Editor
For Auld Lang Syne – where we’ve been, where we’re going        

About the Cover
Tiny Skylar’s first walk in the icy, cold creek in March, years ago  

Time to Start Planning Your Herb Garden, Jackie Johnson, ND
There are lots of things to think about before starting an herb garden!                                                  

Winter Embrace: An Herbal Tea Blend for Immunity and Warmth, Amy Jeanroy
A delicious warming blend of herbs, spices,  and rooibos tea.

Color My World, Alicia Allen       
Great recipes to help us eat the rainbow and get the health benefits of all those nutrients.                         

All Washed Up – A Series from The Twisted Sisters
Our adventures of 30+ years of wholesale and retail soapmakers and business women                    

Word Search     
All about what’s inside this issue 

 Calming Chamomile: 2025 Herb of the Year, Kristine Brown, RH (AHG)   
Superb monograph to get us started on the Int’l Herb Assoc’s Herb of the Year                 

Kitchen Cough Syrup, Connie Byers
You’ve probably got everything you need in your kitchen!  

Herbal Winter Tea, Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh
Delightful blend of herbs for immunity and good cheer    

Bee’s Knees Mocktail with Lemon Balm, Jessicka Nebesni
Delicious alternative to a cocktail for Dry January (and beyond).                                                

“Rose Quartz” Hot Process Soap, Marci Tsohonis
No rose quartz was harmed in the making of this soap – it just looks like rose quartz and smells great.   

Book Excerpt – The Herbal Dog, Rita Hogan, CH 
Great information about allergies in dogs.                                                                           

Meet Our Contributors.                                                                                                                        

Next Issue and Puzzle Solutions

GET YOUR COPY HERE                            

Sunday, December 22, 2024

EXTRA! November December 2024

 I'm squeezing this in before posting the latest regular issue.  It's been a whirlwind around here!  We realized it was seriously time to stop making soap, and sadly hung up our aprons.  The soap in stock poured out of the shop, as did holiday orders.  Now that there's a moment to think, it's time to post!

The regular issue went out 2 days ago, and I'm already working on the next EXTRA!  They've become a favorite treat for subscribers!  

In this issue:

🔆 The Foraging Year wrapped up with a combination of late November and early December.  We really loved this series!  Becky shared her Cedarberry Tea recipe.

🔆 Crossword and Word Find puzzles, as usual

🔆 Excerpt from The Herbal Doula - the elderberry section with syrup recipe/instructions

🔆Tea blending with Molly.  She has a laid-back attitude that gives others confidence.  PLUS she gives us three of her favorite recipes!

There was a lot in there.

Monday, October 21, 2024

The Essential Herbal - November December 2024

We got to work very early on this issue so that we could take care of some stuff around the farm.  As we worried about filling it up, it grew and grew until we had more pages than we normally do - and they're all great!  This issue finishes 23 years of publishing, and there have been a very few issues that almost magically publish themselves.  It happens when we are stretched too thin due to circumstances beyond our control (AKA life) and are considering surrendering and being late. Miraculously, it comes together and *POOF* we slide in under the wire.  In fact, just as I was starting to stress over a cover, Carolina appeared with this stunner!  Once again, we are reminded just how wonderful our contributors are, and how they make the magazine what it is.  Thanks, everyone!  We are so grateful.

Here it is:

Get yours here: 


Cover, Carolina Gonzalez
“Nightfall” is original artwork that takes us into the next season.  Warming and mysterious, the darkness awaits outside the circle of light.

Crossword Puzzle – Here Come Holidays

Field Notes from the Editor, Tina Sams
The Notes were written a little early because of some activity here on the farm.  A week later, Helene crashed through the South East of the US.  Everything can change so quickly!

Chinese Star Anise, Jackie Johnson, ND   
The lure and lore of this delicious and beautiful seedpod!         

Gifting Your Herbs This Holiday, Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh 
A fun and varied selection of herb-crafting for gift-giving.

What Does AHG Membership Mean? Ruth Glass & Sabrena Gwin
Gather your herbies and learn together.

Perfectly Persimmon, Alicia Allen 
10 ways to serve persimmon that you probably never considered.  Pancakes, Barbecue Sauce, Salad Dressing, and more!

Theme Gardens, Kathy Musser
Would you like a little inspiration for a new garden?  Themes can be a lot of fun.

A Year of Foraging - October, Rebekah Bailey 
Wander through the woods with Rebekah (between her new college courses) and find nuts, mushrooms, and fruit!

Winter Skin Salve, Connie Byers 
Completely natural ingredients come together to give you a moisturizing, soothing salve to combat the cold, dry winds of winter.

Grief and Herbs, Amy Jeanroy 
Some help for wandering through the wilderness of grief, both herbal, and  self-nourishing, and a wonderful tea to help.

Hot Tea Toddies, Susanna Reppert Brill
A trio of variations from the basic (provided) hot tea toddy recipe.  An uncommon yet fascinating herbal winter beverage that could become your new tradition!

Word Search  - What’s In This Issue?

Peanut Butter Dog Cookies,
Rose’s Hot & Spicy Apple Chutney,
and Canned, Spiced Apple Rings, Marci Tsohonis
Three delicious treats for man and beast from Marci’s kitchen.  Apples for us, peanut butter for the pup.

Sage Advice, Kristine Brown, RH(AHG)
Sage offers us so much!  Mind, Body, and Spirit are all fed by this herb.

Blossoms & Oatmeal Facial, Tina Sams
Take care of that face with this soothing and firming facial treatment. 

Excerpts from “Herbal Medicine for Modern Life”, Ruth A. Blanding
A couple of great excerpts from this book releasing in November.  Ruth talks about why we should try herbal remedies, and then provides some herbal COVID help.

Meet Our Contributors
Learn a little about each of those who made this issue possible!

Puzzle Solutions

For the Next Issue, ideas for writers and what to look forward to.