Last night I started feeling something going on in my throat, and took a good dose of elderberry with holy basil. This morning it was still there, so I repeated that.
And I got serious about kicking this thing.
My friend Betty Pillsbury suggested some sage tea. My pal Rosanne Tartaro said soup. Here's what I did....
First, I made a blend of tinctures:
holy basil
St John's wort
All of these are either anti-viral or will help with the head-clog, and very beginning of respiratory issues.
Then I started a big pot of ham and cabbage. This is something we ate all the time when I was a kid, and it is probably a standard PA Dutch dish. My grandmother and mother both loved cabbage, and passed that along to me. So far, the next generation does not share that love.
I went into the garden and plucked a nice sprig of sage, and put that into a pint mason jar, along with a slice of crystallized ginger and a licorice root stick, boiled water, and filled the jar, pouring the water over the herbs.
I will continue the sage tea and the tincture blend every hour or so. This thing just cannot get a grip on me right now!
And now, to bed.
Hope you nipped it in the bud and you're feeling up to par. Getting sick is never good but when you have so much to take care of it's even worse.
PS.... That cabbage looks mouth watering!!!!
being of the polish decent your lunch looks like a little bit of home to me!
All I can say is Y-U-M! I love cabbage and this is something I'll just have to try!
By the way....elderberry is also one of my "good friends" LOL I buy it in the form of Sambucol brand. It works like a charm and tastes really good!
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