The Essential Herbal Magazine is a magazine by, for, and about herbie people and the things they love – herbs! You can subscribe at In the meantime, enjoy our blog!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Late March Woods --- Ahhhh!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Herbal Blog Contest - Week 5

PrairieLand Herbs
Aquarian Bath
The Rosemary House
Natures Gift
Torchsong Studio
The Essential Herbal - Magazine Subscriptions
Garden Chick - Fairy Cookie Kit
SunRose Aromatic - Facial exfoliant and soap
Herbs from the Labyrinth- Where the winners from week #4 will be listed - teas
Patti's Potions - lip balms
Keep coming back and keep entering. We have some great prizes coming up, and we'll be having the contests until the middle of May!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
3rd Annual Celebration of Herbs
Presented by The Herb Gatherers and
the Montgomery County Master Gardeners
Saturday, March 28th, 2009
at the 4-H Center in Creamery, PA (Collegeville)
8:15 to 4:30
$49 includes:
Speakers on Various Herbal Topics
Hands on Workshops
Breakfast & Lunch
Vendor Tables
Learning and Socializing
We will be speaking on Backyard Herbalism in the morning, and have a vendor table throughout the day. In the afternoon we will be teaching a workshop on handmade incense cones (participants will make and take a small batch).
Other talks will be: Why Grow Your Own Medicine?/Planting a Medicinal Herb Garden by Rosanna King of King's Herb Nook.... Pennsylvania: History of a Horticultural Melting Pot, by Jeannine Vannais from Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve, and GREEN is the Color of Life & Health by Grace Lefever of Sonnewald Natural Foods.
Other workshops will be:
Gorgeous and Grateful Lips - Lip Balms to Keep Your Smile Soft and Supple by Diane Wiest of
How to Make Herbal Salves and Oils by Rosanna King
Afterwards, we begin preparing for the PA Herb Festival, April 17 & 18, where we will do a soapmaking demonstration and Susan Wittig Albert will be the speaking!
Monday, March 23, 2009
The engines are revving
Here at The Essential Herbal, we are putting the finishing touches on the next issue so that we can have that in the mail before the insanity is in full swing.
One of my favorite articles in the upcoming issue is about herbalists' workspaces. Several herbies were generous and sent pictures of their apothecaries, shipping areas, and kitchens. Very inspiring just to see how other people store their stuff or keep it organized!
We've been making and shipping soap. Apparently small luxuries are still quite popular. I've been trying to spend about an hour a day out weeding and fooling around outside on the days that are warm enough. Lots of Botanical Bead Powders need to be packaged for the coming festivals, and many of the products we make down at the soap company - balms and bathing herbs, scrubs and spritzes... all need to be stocked.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Free Issue of The Essential Herbal to Download

Friday, March 20, 2009
Contest Week 4 - Herb Teas
For the week between Friday, March 20 and Thursday, March 26, you can enter simply by entering a comment in response to this blog entry and take a chance at winning a sampler of hand-blended herbal teas from, including one each of the following: Moontime Tea, Lover's Tea, Spring in My Step, FemininiTea, Dandy Lion Tea, Hush-A-Bye, Strong As Nails, SereniTea, SmarTea, DigestiviTea, Nursing Mother Tea, Endo-Liver Tea, Love Your Liver Tea, and Mid-Summer Tea
The following blogs are also participating, so stop over to enter with them for additional chances to win AND the chance to explore some cool blogs.
Patti’s Potions
PrairieLand Herbs
Aquarian Bath
The Rosemary House
Natures Gift
Torchsong Studio
The Essential Herbal - Subscriptions week one
Garden Chick - Fairy cookie cutters week two
SunRose Aromatics - Facial scrub and liquid soap week three
Herbs from the Labyrinth - Herb tea sampler week four
Be sure to come back each week and comment for the contest. We have 10 weeks full of great prizes, so don't miss out!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
... these are the good old days
They will laugh about the roving cells of terrorist chickens, the groundhogs, and the way we always ooh and aah over the baby horses up the road. Maybe they'll laugh about all the times Molly fell in the pond, or the time she drove into the row of blue spruces. Certainly some of Rob's fireworks displays will qualify.
They already make fun of my sister and me, calling us "the mothers" and laughing about the way we do things. They'll remember the days of us scrambling to get out soap orders and issues of the magazine. The very idea of anyone wanting us to speak for their groups is completely hysterical to them, so that will be part of it too. They will also look back on this time with their uncle John very fondly, I suppose. At least I think so. It started with the repeated bouts of encephalopathy - oh how the kids enjoy that! Last time he was hospitalized for that (confusion and hallucinations), the kids would have stayed the whole time if we'd let them!
So as I worry about how this affects the kids, it helps me to know that someday they will consider these times to be the good old days.
We are in the tail end (we hope!) of waiting for a liver for our brother. He spent a couple of days in the hospital and came home last night. It gave us the impetus to get ourselves in gear and find coverage for all of the events that are coming up in the next 6 weeks. In this business, the next 2 months are what it's all about! The doctor drew us a picture yesterday and showed us what might be up and coming for John.
I am sharing this with you because sometimes I am not around. Some of you will worry about me, and so I want you to know what's going on. As long as we approach this together as a family, we are all ok. We should all always remember that these are the good old days.
Now on a lighter note, spring is breathing down our necks, here.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Herbal Blog Contest - Week #3
This week (#3) our herbal blog contest swings over to SunRose Aromatics, where Roe whips up the most delightful of aromatherapy and pampering products. For the week between Friday, March 13 and Thursday, March 19, you can enter simply by posting a comment and your email in response to this blog entry and take a chance at winning!!!
Here's the prize:
Pamper your face with all natural ~
* apricot kernel meal
* organic liquid castile soap
Mix in the palm of your hand & then apply to your face. A wonderful exfoliate!
The following blogs are also participating, so stop over to enter with them for additional chances to win AND the chance to explore some cool blogs.
Herbs from the Labyrinth
Patti's Potions
PrairieLand Herbs
Aquarian Bath
The Rosemary House
Natures Gift
Torchsong Studio
The Essential Herbal
SunRose Aromatics
Sunday, March 08, 2009
A little March-ing
My sister and I wandered down into the woods again. The redtail hawks are everywhere. Along the way, at the end of a row of trees we found something that Maryanne says is known as "buck rub" where they rub the velvet from their antlers.
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Herb Blog Contest - week 2
This week's winner at TEH blog - LAURA!!! at LittleBigVoice blog>>>(on the blogroll)
(see last week's winners at the end of the post)
For the week between Friday, March 6 and Thursday, March 12, you can enter simply by entering a comment in response to this blog entry and take a chance at winning Fairyland Cookie Cutter and Fairyland Recipe Card. Each cookie recipe comes with 1 "friend of the fairies" fairy cookie cutter and fairy sprinkles. Cutters include bird, dragonfly, fairy, gnome, flower, butterfly – she’ll choose one for you!
Garden Chick has a delightful selection of products that are either created by Karen or something she found on her adventures and loves enough to share!
The following blogs are also participating, so stop over to enter with them for additional chances to win AND the chance to explore some cool blogs.
SunRose Aromatics
Herbs from the Labyrinth
Patti’s Potions
PrairieLand Herbs
Aquarian Bath
The Rosemary House
Nature's Gift
Torchsong Studio
The Essential Herbal
Garden Chick
Last Week:
Sun Rose Aromatics ~ nfmgirl
Herbs from the Labyrinth ~ yarrow
Patti's Potions ~ Scorpiolis
PrairieLand Herbs ~ WifeMotherManiac
Aquarian Bath ~ Lara
The Rosemary House ~ HippieFairy
Nature's Gift ~ Filynn
Torchsong Studio ~ Gnightstar
The Essential Herbal ~ Comfrey Cottages
Garden Chick ~ Scorpiolis (2!)
(I am in the process of writing to everyone)
So keep coming back and keep entering. We have some great prizes coming up, and we'll be having the contests til the middle of May!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
In like a lion! March forth, baby.
I'm about to skip off for a day at Radiance where we'll be doing a class on tub teas, and finished a gorgeous chamomile distillation yesterday, but don't want to get too far ahead of myself here.
And then there was this little storm that ripped up the Eastern coast. Some got a foot. What we got blew into piles here and there, leaving most of the yard bare. Lots of drifting, but I was greatly amused to see that fully half of the driveway was dry as a bone...then Bob came up with the plow and did the other half (THANKS!!!) as soon as the snow stopped.