Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Wild Foods Cookbook submissions

We're putting together one of our Essential Herbal books, and this one will contain recipes and favorite ways to eat wild foods. Contributing is easy and will provide lots of publicity if you have a business.
Do you enjoy nibbling on chickweed, garlic mustard, dandelion, day lilies, and wild mustard? Perhaps you have been putting those acorns to work? Lamb's Quarters, Sheep Sorrel, Sweet Violet and Rose Petals find their way into your salad bowl? When you see burdock and poke in the fall, does it cause you to make a mental note of the location? If so, please consider sending a recipe or two in for inclusion. Pictures to accompany the recipe are welcome as well.
If you'd like to participate, here are the details:
The deadline for this book will be May 21.
Be sure to include your contact information as you'd like it to appear next to the recipe(s). That would be either a website, or if none available, hometown. Email would be appropriate if you wish, too.
Send submissions to: You can see the other books we've put together at

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