Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Why Print Advertising?

The other day, we got an order for a subscription, and in the section where we ask where you found us, the customer had noted a now defunct herbal publication.  It put a huge smile on my face.  Why?  Because that ad was at *least* 12 years old, and it is still paying dividends.
It works on me, too.  On the way home from an herb conference years ago, one of the highlights for me was stopping at an herb farm that was always on the inside cover of a publication I subscribed to.  I couldn't wait to finally visit (and buy out half of their shop).
There is something more substantial to a print ad.  You know that a real business is stable enough to prepare and purchase an ad.  There is a trail.  They didn't just throw an online come-on up on the web and wait for someone to take the hook, so there's an element of trust that is much harder to create online.
It takes a few viewings, so a single ad doesn't carry the full effect.  Repeated ads bring the advertiser to mind when customers need or want something.  In a magazine like ours, we have a feeling of community, and advertisers are part of that community.
People keep (or share) magazines for a long time.  They look back over them, or they pass them on to new herbies, who then discover our advertisers all over again. 
If you've got an herb related business and have been considering print advertising, we make it very easy and very reasonable.  In fact, if you purchase a year upfront, you get 6 ads for the price of 5, and can change the ad at any time during that year, by just sending us a new ad for insertion.
Here's the link to our ad page:
Simple - order and pay for the advertising, send us the ad, and we're good to go.

We don't sell classified ads, but shops that carry the magazine get a free one.  It's a great value that we feel offsets the price of the wholesale subscription.  Contact us with questions -

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